Booking Come & Sing

 You can purchase your Come & Sing tickets here! 


Cost per session: £6 

Payment can only be accepted online and will be accepted up until three days before the event.

Here are a list of Big Sings: 

12th October, 8-9.30pm – Glasgow Southside (St Margaret Episcopal Church, 353 Kilmarnock Rd)

13th October, 8-9.30pm – Motherwell (South Church, 11 Gavin Street, Motherwell)

18th October, 8.30-10pm – Bearsden (29 Roman Rd, Bearsden)

19th October, 7.30-9pm – Hamilton (Baptist Church, 23 Kemp Street, Hamilton)



Please note:

– payments can be purchased by bank transfer, card or PayPal

– the booking fee for online payments is £1.50


Payment Options:

1. To pay by bank transfer, please send £7.50 to the following account and please enter your name and session you will attend as the reference (e.g. J Bloggs, Hamilton): 

Account Name: SoundRoutes – Sort Code 82-64-08 – Account Number: 80041631 

2. To pay by card or with PayPal, please click on the buttons to the right of the screen (total payment, including the booking fee is £7.50).



Terms & Conditions:
1. Payments are non-refundable.
2. We will be unable to refund if a session has to be cancelled due to circumstances out of our control.
3. If a session had to be cancelled due to absence of a leader then a credit will be offered on subsequent payments.






